Hiroaki Ataka
Visiting Fellow
My research interest lies in Critical International Relations theories. In particular, I research on critical approaches to international societies, as well as on the possibilities for a post-Western, Global IR. I critically reflect on the Anglo-American historical context in which the discipline developed, exploring ways to ground knowledge on plural historical narratives. Recent research includes deconstructing and transcending the Westphalian paradigm in IR, as well as the methodological and pedagogical issues in Global IR.
Research Interest
Critical theories of IR and IPE; Sociology of IR; Disciplinary history of IR; Comparative history of international systems; Critical geopolitics of East Asia; Critical Security Studies; Politics of neoliberalism.
Expertise Area(s)
Critical IR thories
Sociology of IR
History of IR discipline
Comparative history of international systems
Critical geopolitics
Critical Security Studies
Politics of neoliberalism
East Asia