New book on ‘Geography, Power, Strategy and Defence Policy’ celebrates Emeritus Professor Paul Dibb

The Hon Kim Beazley AC together with scholars from Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs at ANU launched Geography, Power, Strategy and Defence Policy, a series of essays honouring Emeritus Professor Paul Dibb.
The book highlights Professor Dibb’s extraordinary career, with essays written by friends and colleagues who examine his profound contributions to the public service and academia. The contributors include former ANU Chancellors, academics, and policymakers.
During the launch, Mr Beazley discussed the significant influence Professor Dibb made on security policy throughout his career.
“At the end of the 1970’s he was one of our foremost intelligence experts,” said Mr Beazley.
Mr Beazley went on to discuss the leading role Professor Dibb played in examining relations with Russia and his contribution to the 1987 White Paper.
“In the 90’s, he wrote extraordinary papers on the changing structure of power and the relationships in our region. And in that, his contribution has been substantial.”
“Congratulations to Paul, on your life,” said Kim Beazley.
Today Professor Dibb continues to be prolific in sharing through publishing and advising policymakers. Despite his success in academia, he told audiences how his move away from government was not always an easy choice.
“One of the most difficult decisions I made was coming to ANU. I wanted to be Secretary of Defence, but I knew that was not going to happen… It turned out to be the best decision I ever made,” said Professor Dibb
Geography, Power, Strategy and Defence Policy is available for download from ANU Press.