Susan Hutchinson
Susan Hutchinson is a civil-military professional with experience in government, military and non-government organisations. Her research focuses on women's experiences of conflict and instability. Susan is the Executive Director of Afghan women's rights NGO Azadi-e Zan, and the architect of the Prosecute; don’t perpetrate campaign calling for the investigation and prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide perpetrated by Islamic State. Susan's PhD looks at the operationalisation of the suite of UN Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security by the Australian Defence Force.
Research Interest
Gender in conflict and insecurity; women, peace and security; international law, human rights, gender justice; arms control; protection of civilians; modern warfare; international institutions; war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide; UN Security Council
HDR Supervisor/s
Garth Pratten Sue ThompsonThesis Title/Topic
Implementing the WPS agenda in military operations