Natasha Turia

Ms Natasha Turia

MAIR (Monash)

Natasha’s research examines the extent of Papua New Guinea’s decentralised recruitment practices in unlocking its labour mobility aspirations through participation in Pacific Australia Labour Mobility and Recognised Seasonal Employers schemes.

Using a mixed methods approach that will allow for a value chain analysis of the selected case studies, her research will involve engagement with various stakeholders from PNG, Australia and New Zealand. Her research has the potential to identify best-practice recruitment method(s) that will support the Government of PNG to achieve its national target of 8,000 workers by 2025. Natasha has been involved in the implementation and review of PNG’s decentralised recruitment process since the reforms were introduced in 2019 and continues to engage with multilateral stakeholders. She has a Master of International Relations (Monash University, 2011) and supported labour mobility projects with sub-national level governments, World Bank and the Labour Mobility Partnerships.

Natasha is currently a Research Officer at the Development Policy Centre.

HDR Supervisor/s

Rochelle-lee Bailey Nicole Haley Colin Wiltshire

Thesis Title/Topic

Decentralisation of Pacific labour mobility programs in Papua New Guinea. For better or for worse?

Expertise Area(s)

Papua New Guinea
Labour, Migration And Development

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