Mr Murray Thomas

Mr Murray Thomas

B.Ec (ANU), B. Laws (Hons, ANU), DipStraStud (ADC), DipLegStud (ANU)

Murray started his PhD candidacy with DPA in January 2020. His research concerns the political and legal contest for the control of the Papua New Guinea government in the period 2010 to 2012. Prior to becoming a PhD candidate, Murray worked as a prosecutor in the Office of the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions (2003-2018). From 1975 to 1998, he was employed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was an Australian representative to the predecessor of the World Trade Organisation, Director of the United States Section and served at the Australian Embassy in Washington with duties that included reporting on US political developments. In 2015, Murray accompanied his wife on a posting to Port Moresby with the Australian Government. During the posting, he worked as a research officer for the Political Section at the Australian High Commission.

HDR Supervisor/s

Amanda H A Watson Anthony Regan Sinclair Dinnen

Thesis Title/Topic

Interesting times in the Land of the Unexpected

Expertise Area(s)

Papua New Guinea
Law and Legal Studies
Public Policy

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