Kate Grealy
I’ve worked in counter terrorism, countering violent extremism (CVE), violence monitoring, and crime prevention in government and non-government since 2007. In 2012 I relocated to Indonesia and developed an interest in non-state actor violence. I completed language studies at the University of Indonesia in 2014 after receiving a Hamer Scholarship from the Victorian Government and completed my Master of International Relations in 2016 with a scholarship from the ANU’s Indonesia Project. My Masters thesis studied militia-led violence against religious minorities in Indonesia.
I am currently a PhD researcher in the Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. My PhD project looks at the prevention of terrorism through CVE in International Aid in Indonesia. It asks how extremism is conceptualized, which extremisms are deemed risky, and why.
HDR Supervisor/s
Eva Nisa Raihan IsmailThesis Title/Topic
A Critical Analysis of 'Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE)' Practices in Foreign Aid to Indonesia