Anthony Regan
Anthony Regan is a constitutional lawyer who specialises in constitutional development as part of conflict resolution. He has lived and worked in Papua New Guinea for 19 years (including over 3 years in Bougainville) and in Uganda for over 3 years. In PNG he has had a series of government jobs, advised on decentralisation policy and law, conducted research at IASER (now the PNG National Research institute), and taught at the UPNG Law Faculty. He has been an adviser to the Bougainville parties in the Bougainville peace process, since 1994. In Uganda he was a full-time constitutional adviser to the Government of Uganda. He has been involved in peace processes in relation to Bougainville, Sri Lanka, Naga areas of India, Solomon Islands, Ogaden (Ethiopia), and in post-conflict constitution-making processes, full time in Uganda (1991-94) and Bougainville (2002-04), as well as in East Timor, Solomon Islands, and Fiji.
Career highlights
Full-time constitutional adviser to Government of Uganda (1991-94); full-time constitutional adviser, Bougainville(2002-04), Senior Fellow, United States Institute of Peace, Washington DC, Jan.-Sept. 2005; staff member, ANU, 1997 to present.
Research Interest
His current research includes: use of constitution-making processes and constitutional design in conflict-resolution; conflict analysis and resolution especially in conflicts involving identity, resources and self-determination issues; over 200 years of unification of diverse lingusitic and culture groups in Bougainville; ombudsman institutions and leadership codes as constitutional accountability and anti-corruption mechanisms; elections in Melanesia.