Workshop with Prof Stephan Fruehling, LtCol James Groves, staff from the Army’s Research Centre and your fellow ANU researchers, for a light lunch and a brainstorming workshop focusing on the research priorities for the Australian Army Research Centre’s (AARC) Fellowship program, and other research grants available through Army.

You are warmly invited to join a workshop exploring the relevance of your research for the research priorities of the Australian Army, and relevant funding opportunities.

  • DATE: Thursday 19 Oct 2023
  • TIME: 12 - 2pm
  • VENUE: Canberry-Springbank Room in the J.G. Crawford Building, Building #1332, Lennox Crossing, ANU, Acton, ACT 2601.
  • WHO SHOULD ATTEND: ANU academics who would like to explore research collaboration opportunities with the Australian Army.

You may never have considered your research to be of interest and value to Army. Army's main research challenges: (see the attached research priorities document for more information)

  • Advise and assist
  • mobilization
  • littoral manoeuvre
  • power and energy
  • quantum
  • autonomy and counter-autonomy

have wide-ranging implications that cover many disciplines across HASS and STEM; call for deep regional studies as well as conceptual underpinnings; and can benefit from comparative as well as direct approaches.  

Army regularly offers research grants, and ANU and the Army Research Centre are cooperating in an exciting fellowship program, through which ANU staff can spend time working with ARC staff in an Army context to generate highly relevant and impactful research and build enduring networks (see attached flyer). 

You are warmly invited to join fellow ANU researchers from across campus to participate in a workshop exploring how your own research is relevant to these topics, and explore research cooperation opportunities across campus and with Army.

The workshop will be led by: LtCol James Groves, National Security College (NSC); Prof Stephan Fruehling, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC); as well as staff from the Australian Army Research Centre (AARC).

SHARE: Please share this invitation widely - your networks of fellow researchers from both HASS and STEM backgrounds are very welcome to join us.

REGISTER: Please register on this link, no later than Friday 13 October 2023. 

Further information:







Canberry-Springbank Room, J.G. Crawford Bldng, Bldng # 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU

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