Symposium on family protection orders in the Pacific region

Inside of the Hedley Bull Building, ANU Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs.

The Australian National University and the Pacific Community (SPC) invite you to attend an online symposium on family protection orders in the Pacific region on 9 December 2021.

Thirteen countries across the Pacific region now have legislation in place that allows for family protection orders (or other similar orders) to be issued to protect survivors of domestic violence. Some countries have had the legislation in place for over a decade and for others it is very new.

The purpose of the symposium is to share knowledge and experience on how well the orders are working, what the challenges are, and to agree on priorities for future action.

Please join us for this event which will include speakers representing more than ten Pacific Island countries, and from a range of sectors including justice professionals and practitioners, policymakers, civil society and academics.

This event is co-convened by the ANU and SPC, and is supported the Toksave Pacific Gender Resource.
